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Јавна расправа - Стратегија подстицања рађања

Јавна расправа - Закон о удружењима

среда, август 29, 2007

Корисна информација: Master’s degree in European Legal Studies

Данас смо добили допис који може да буде користан онима који желе да се даље стручно усавршавају. Допис прилажемо у целини.

Mr Milan Milosevic


European Movement in Smederevska Palanka



Luxembourg, 29th August 2007

Dear Mr Milosevic,,

The European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, the Luxembourg Antenna of the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), is offering a 2-year postgraduate programme leading to a Master’s degree in European Legal Studies. In 2006, the programme was updated to meet the new academic requirements imposed by the so-called Bologna process, which aims at harmonising graduate and postgraduate studies at EU level.

This Master’s is a truly international study programme: it is offered in partnership with the University of Nancy 2 and in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg, and participants who successfully conclude the programme will be awarded an EIPA Master’s degree in European Legal Studies and a French Master’s degree (Master en études européennes - spécialité Droit de la construction européenne). EIPA and Luxembourg University are currently negotiating the possibility for the latter to become one of the partners awarding the Master’s degree. This Master’s degree is fully recognised throughout the European Union!

This programme is the first of its kind to be fully conceived for professionals (civil servants, EU officials, lawyers, judges and other legal experts, as well as professionals and graduates interested in EU law. No prior degree in law is required to participate in the programme).

The Master is taught by a multinational and highly experienced faculty composed by staff members of EIPA, by renowned academics and by legal experts from the European institutions, as well as judges and lawyers. Courses are taught in English and French, and most of the tuition takes place on Fridays afternoons and Saturday mornings.

You can obtain further information on our Master through http://www.eipa.eu/en/activities/show/&tid=2258 . Should you wish to receive more details about the programme, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Claudia LISBOA, Programme Organiser, tel +352 426 230 303, fax: +352 426 237, email: c.lisboa@eipa.net . You can also consult our website: http://www.eipa.eu (“Training and Research”).

We would be most grateful if you could distribute this information to the persons who may be interested in our programme.

Yours Truly,


Director of the Studies of the Master and Senior Lecturer

European Centre for Judges and Lawyers

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Antenna Luxembourg

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